The Aromatherapy Bible: The Definitive Guide to Using Essential Oils
Inside that bottle of essential oil lies the key to beauty, health, and wellbeing-and this comprehensive illustrated reference contains the information needed to work aromatherapy's magic. It includes a directory of essential oils plus recipes for creams and lotions; remedies to overcome negative emotions; first aid therapies; and techniques to enhance meditation and massages.
Inside each bottle of essential oil lies the key to beauty, health, and wellbeing-and this comprehensive illustrated reference contains all the information needed to work aromatherapy's magic. It includes complete instructions for skin and body treatments; recipes for creams and lotions; remedies to overcome negative emotions; advice on psychic cleansing; and techniques to enhance meditation and massages of all kinds. There are first aid therapies to relieve simple ailments, and to use during pregnancy and with babies, children, and the elderly. A Directory of Essential Oils gives the properties and applications of 75 common and exotic oils.
Contributor Bio: Farrer-Halls, Gill
Gill Farrer-Halls is a practicing Buddhist who has spent time studying in India and Nepal during her career. She has published several Buddhism-related books as well as those focused on alternative therapies. Besides writing, Gill is a producer for London's Meridian Trust Buddhist Film and Video Archive, and she teaches aromatherapy, meditation, and spiritual-awareness workshops. Artist and writer Robert Beer is well-known for his colorful and detailed illustrations. He has studied and practiced Tibetan art for more than 30 years. His works appear in several hundred books on Tibetan Buddhist art and religion.