Spiritually Challenged
"Strong the force is with this one. Constructed badly sentences an art form they are." Yoda's higher self "We are all each others Guru. I cannot praise 'Spiritually Challenged' enough. I recommend you buy this book. Humour is next to Godliness. I have it on my iPad and refer to it regularly for daily contemplation." Ghandi's Ghost "The source of all truth lies within. It is a wise person who knows this. We are limited only by our beliefs." Big M - Refuse worker Broxbourne borough council "How refreshing to read a spiritual book about the experiences of decent common people. My husband and I are extremely gratifi ed. As ever we are from the people, of the people and for the people. There should be many more books in the Mind Body Spirit genre with swearing, drug taking and general rudeness. We are proud of our subject the ONE. One is positively beaming from toe to crown. One is indeed greatly amused." Broadcast from Her Royal Highness The Queen Mother, channelled by Hedgewitch Tamara, the lollipop lady from Bishops Stortford.