Along conical shape Orthoceras ‘cephalopod’ is the fossilized remains of an extinct marine animal. Orthoceras are the remains of extinct marine animals, therefore, known as the fossil stone and is around 400 million years old. The ancestor to the squid, over 500 to 190 million years ago, they are marked with a date to the lower Ordovician to Triassic ages.
Orthoceras thought to possess physical healing powers and are considered to increase the life span of a wearing individual by reducing toxins, stress and anxiety. Healers use Orthoceras fossils to enhance telepathy and stimulate the mind.
Revered by many cultures for centuries, Fossils, because of their age, are often used as talismans for protection and long life. They are links to the past and, as such, can be helpful for past-life visualization, astral travel and increased knowledge of ancient ways. Fossils are associated with the earth element, which can heighten one’s intuition, especially when learning about crystals.
~Size: Approximately 6" tall