Keepers of The Earth: Native American Stories and Environmental Activities For Children
Native American stories combine with related hands-on activities to inspire children with a deep respect and interest in the Earth and in Native cultures in this popular and critically acclaimed book. Keepers of the Earth uses an interdisciplinary approach to introduce environmental concepts to children, aged five through twelve. The activities include theatre, reading, writing, science, social studies, and mathematics, and are designed to engage all of the senses.
Keepers of the Earth is an excellent school resource introducing children to Aboriginal worldviews. The book is comprised of 21 story packages which may be used as teaching tools in the classroom. The stories are divided by subject nature and include three stories about creation, two about fire, one about the earth, one about wind and weather, three about water, two about sky, one about seasons, six about plants and animals, one about life, death, and spirits, and about the unity of earth.... Following each story is a discussion prompt to help teachers explain the story’s context. The discussion prompts relate the story to First Nations traditional worldviews and emphasize mankind’s interconnection with the natural world. Following the discussion prompts, there is a list of questions to encourage student reflection. Some of the questions are focused more on story comprehension while others encourage children to reflect on the greater meaning of the story and how it relates to their daily life.... Keepers of the Earth offers suggestions for activities to solidify and expand the learning of the story. Activity suggestions include field trips, demonstrations, experimentation and further discussion. Each story is accompanied by at least one activity with recommendations as to which age group to cater the activity to.
Keepers of the Earth is an excellent school resource introducing children to Aboriginal worldviews. The book is comprised of 21 story packages which may be used as teaching tools in the classroom. The stories are divided by subject nature and include three stories about creation, two about fire, one about the earth, one about wind and weather, three about water, two about sky, one about seasons, six about plants and animals, one about life, death, and spirits, and about the unity of earth.... Following each story is a discussion prompt to help teachers explain the story’s context. The discussion prompts relate the story to First Nations traditional worldviews and emphasize mankind’s interconnection with the natural world. Following the discussion prompts, there is a list of questions to encourage student reflection. Some of the questions are focused more on story comprehension while others encourage children to reflect on the greater meaning of the story and how it relates to their daily life.... Keepers of the Earth offers suggestions for activities to solidify and expand the learning of the story. Activity suggestions include field trips, demonstrations, experimentation and further discussion. Each story is accompanied by at least one activity with recommendations as to which age group to cater the activity to.